Friday, September 30, 2011


Westminster, Vermont  
Greetings to our friends,

First, yes, we survived Irene.  We were surprisingly untouched as the eye of the storm passed directly over us on its way up the Connecticut River to Canada. We can't say the same for our neighbors, many of whom lost driveways, outbuildings and in some cases, their homes.  East of us were high winds and to the west of us, more rain than Vermont has seen in a century.  You've seen the news.

Thanks to all who asked.  If you feel like helping, Vermont Foodbank is a great cause to support.

This edition of the newsletter is about high performance glazing and things to be aware of.  For your convenience, we will link you to the article on our web site and keep the email to a minimum so as not to fill your inbox. 

 A word about High Performance Glass
Terms such as Low Emissivity, Heat Mirror, Pyrolytic, Sputtered, Argon Filled, Double Sealed, SuperSpacer and others are being used with increasing frequency. Trade magazines are featuring articles on high performance glazing in one issue after the other. And why not? Energy conservation is serious business. Unfortunately, and as with any new, high-tech products, the relevant details are usually complex. Miscommunication, misunderstanding, mistakes and misuse come with the territory of high performance glazing as well. While we do not profess to be expert in physics or chemistry, we have had significant and increasing experience with the testing and use of several of these new products and would like to take this opportunity to share the following thoughts with you...